Cheyenne - La libertad de volar


The King Air is the most popular commercial aircraft in the world since it is able to land almost anywhere and performs flawlessly in all conditions. Being more versatile than any other plane, the King Air B 200 is the favorite turboprop aircraft for pilots and passengers. It renders services which are compared to a jet plane. It stands out for its spacious cabin with large cargo capacity and utter comfort on board.
The cabin is also very quiet and has work tables which allow passengers to get down to business in-flight or simply relax and dine with friends. Also it is equipped with windows with rotating polarized sun shields. The large cargo compartment in the back is heated and pressurized; and most importantly the passengers can have access to their luggage during the flight.

Características Generales
Tripulación 2
Capacidad 9 pasajeros
Fabricante Collins
Suite Pro Line 21
Fabricante P&WC
Tipo PT6A-52
Potencia nominal 634 kW
Dimensiones Externas
Envergadura 17,65 mts
Largo máximo del avión 13,36 mts
Altura máxima de cola 4,52 mts
Dimensiones Cabina Interna
Largo 5,08 mts
Ancho 1,37 mts
Alto 1,45 mts
Capacidad de Equipaje 1,60 mts3
Peso Máx. Equipaje 249 kg
Máxima velocidad de crucero 574 km/h
Alcance: Carga máxima 637 km
Alcance: 4 Pasajeros 2.193 km
Alcance: Ferry 2.982 km
Máxima altitud operacional 10.668 mts
Distancia de despegue (MTOW) 643 mts
Distancia de aterrizaje (MLW) 867 mts


The Challenger 300 is one of the most wanted aircrafts when renting a private flight service since it offers an excellent relation price-quality.
The Super Midsize Jets category refers to corporate aircrafts with spacious cabins, capacity to fly at high altitudes and long distances. Most planes in this category are capable to fly trans-Atlantic and have cabins of at least 7 mt. long and 1.80 mt. high, with a cruising speed of 850 km/h to 890 km/h.
Among the Super Midsize Jets range, the Challenger 300 is one the most versatile. The standard lay-out of the cabin is 8 passengers and it is 8.71 mt. long and 1.85 mt. high, being of the most spacious cabin of this category. It has large and comfortable seats and a sofa, work tables, a complete entertainment and communications system with individual tactile screens for each seat, a kitchen with large storage room and a roomy cargo area for luggage.

Características Generales
Tripulación 2
Capacidad 8/9 pasajeros
Fabricante Collins
Suite Pro Line 21
Fabricante Honeywell
Tipo HTF
Potencia nominal 14.000 lb
Dimensiones Externas
Envergadura 19,46 mts
Largo máximo del avión 20,92 mts
Altura máxima de cola 6,10 mts
Dimensiones Cabina Interna
Largo 8,72 mts
Ancho 2,19 mts
Alto 1,85 mts
Capacidad de Equipaje 3 mts3
Máxima velocidad de crucero 870 km/h
Alcance: Carga máxima 5.740 km
Alcance: 4 Pasajeros 5.740 km
Alcance: Ferry 6.197 km
Máxima altitud operacional 13.716 mts
Distancia de despegue (MTOW) 1.466 mts
Distancia de aterrizaje (MLW) 1.466 mts